My tea branding is name humming tea

humming tea is tea branding, which stay away from traditional english tea shop style, comblinding japanese and english modern style. Customer can enjoy music and calmness, like you are singing when you got realaxation from bathtub, with clean decoration while they have a freash cup of tea, which come from variety places of the world.
The atmosphere will give customer feel warmth and relax but also socializing with people.

humming tea logo has inpiration from musical note, which is mean humming like singing. Musical notes used in humming tea logo are whole note(o) and dotted note(.), which means extre note. Those represent a cup of tea that people will alway want more than just one cup. Besides, it like everyone said that have a cup of tea can make you feel relax, have a second cup you will feel happiness, have a third cup can help you health.

humming tea logo based on black colour, which is represent
traditional of tea. Furthermore, thoes colour palette will use in packageing and accessories in of humming tea.