My first project as FdA student, we have to work under limited as target group, client and message. For my project, inner city 15-20 years old , local council and help others is my task.
I design to go with look out for your mate message and it become drink don't drive "it's not only you in the car, you are responsible for your passenger."

The idea is you shouldn’t drink muchbecause you are responsible for your friend. How much you drink, How worst ofaccident.At fritst, I think about the habit when people go to clubbing and I got inspiration from water droplets from glass. It’s become a concept that use beer mat with car printing plus time of drinking. Normally, cold water has water droplets. When time pass by the water droplets will increase. How many drink we had, How damage of beer mat. The car picture on beer mat is ruined by water droplets, It can represent car accident by drink alcohol.